
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

spring cleaning: pattern giveaway

My spring cleaning means your spring savings! I've decided to host un petit giveaway, sponsored by my own sensibility to get rid of stuff while I'm ahead. I looked back at the photos of my apartment from when I moved in in July 2011, only eight months ago, and I just had to shake my head and laugh. It was neat and tidy, for one. But also - at that point I owned zero sewing patterns and bought fabric when I... needed it. Can you imagine? My sewing machine was out from the beginning, but I only used it to make simple curtains and hem my neighbor's shorts in exchange for his wireless internet password.

Somewhere along the way, I contracted a chronic form of the sewing virus, incurable by modern medicine. The symptoms progressed rapidly: I stopped inviting people over as I was ashamed of the scraps and threads and sharp tools that littered every inch of my living room (moan), I found myself wanting to sew on Friday nights instead of go out to bars (gag), I voluntarily signed up for store mailing lists in order to get fabric coupons and be alerted to pattern sales (shiver). But the true evidence that my ailment had advanced beyond hope: I signed up for a Blogger account (scream).

Yikes, so here we are. I now own ~55 patterns and have maybe ~15 stacks of fabric + scraps on a shelf that used to hold books and trinkets like a normal healthy person's apartment would. I really have no other storage, so even though my stash is relatively tame (maybe?), I simply cannot let my sewing stuff overflow from these three shelves.

That was my long introduction to this main idea: I need your help clearing out stuff I don't think I'll use. Here's what patterns are up for grabs. All of these are uncut and factory folded.

Simplicity 2261 tops, pants and skirt. Size 6 - 14 (Eur 32-40):

McCalls 6507 dress from their recent spring line. Size 6 - 14 (Eur 32 - 40):

Simplicity 2034 sun dresses. Size 8 - 18 (Eur 34 - 44):

Lisette/Simplicity 2211 Market Dress, Tunic, Blouse and Skirt. Size 6-14 (Eur 32-40):

Lisette/Simplicity 2245. Portfolio Dress, Tunic and Pants. Size 6-14 (Eur 32-40):

You guys, I just know how adorable you'll be wearing these new clothes to all kinds of picnics and stuff this summer.

If you'd like to be in the running, leave a comment letting me know which one (or ones) you'd like. You can leave more than one comment for more than one pattern if you so desire, but I'm just trying to keep them separate so it's easier to draw the winners.

I'll close the giveaway on Friday March 30th at 12:00 PM (noon) EST. Then I'll announce the five winners the same time I do my big OWOP round-up post later that day or the next. Oh you thought I had forgotten OWOP? Nah, just get ready for one EPIC post. 

Open internationally. Let your friends know! Assuming you like to share.