
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

knit tee: help wanted

Now that I've worked with the Renfrew pattern and inevitably want to make 5,000 more of them and physically can't stop myself, I'm trying to think of ways to incorporate basic knit tees into my wardrobe in a not-so-basic way. I can't do it on my own, though, so I'm lucky that the Internet was invented primarily to help me learn how to dress myself. Thanks, Internet. AP style capitalizes your name for a reason.

Alright, so who is better in blogland for classy knit tee inspiration than Kendi Everyday? Kendi's a wildly popular fashion/style/outfit blogger (as in, >14,500 Blogger followers alone, excusez-moi) who owns her own clothing boutique in Texas. Our styles don't always sync --she can get away with wearing pleated pants and hot pink heels, after all-- but I enjoy stalking her blog anyway due to her sarcasm, love for colors & prints, good photography, etc. Here are some recent examples of how she dresses up casual knit tops, all of which I'm a fan:

What have we learned here? I need colorful flowy skirts and chunky jewelry and a cherry red blazer, that's all. Annndd maybe a husband who's a professional photographer, blog sponsors that send me free loot, and a gym membership. On it!

I went on to make a short-sleeved Renfrew with the hopes of wearing it in a effortlessly chic way, just like Kendi does. Yet, all I've done is glare at the finished product with narrowed eyes for a couple weeks now. I'm worried about the colors, print choice and banded style. Very worried. I mean, I like the birds - I have another RTW bird shirt in poly chiffon, but "bird t-shirt" isn't what first comes to mind when I think of chic fashion. I don't know what I was thinking, but dressing up this top is quite difficult, at least with my current wardrobe.

(not my dawg)

It's high time I solicit the advice and opinions of my dear readers. After all, I think of you as a support network for all my creative endeavors, so I can't be left alone to ponder whether I'm one of those people with, ahem, questionable taste. 

SO, please, I need you to answer a very important question with as much honesty as you can muster...

OH GOD contrast cuffs